Sunday, May 11, 2008

Recession-Are we or aren't we?

There has been much talk about the current state of the US economy. Are we, or aren't we, in or heading towards a recession? A recession is bad news for all industries but is especially damaging to the travel industry. The travel industry thrives on people's disposable income, or that leftover money after all bills have been paid. With gas prices at an all time high, unemployment on the rise, and people cutting back their excessive does this effect the travel industry?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Can M-U-D Really Spell M-O-N-E-Y

Article from on Vermont's attempt to revitalize its hospitality industry by offering mud-themed (that's right mud a.k.a. wet dirt) traveling.
Thoughts: Interesting attempt by Vermont to promote rather than apologize for its muddy season by offering mud-baths and mudslide beverages. Unfortunately, there haven't been many takers.


What can the travel industry do to promote off-season traveling to certain areas?